Auxiliary R scripts provide additional functionalities for running simulations or CLIs, as listed here.

  • simulMpileup.R

Simulate mpileup file with different ploidy level for biallelic sites.

Rscript simulMpileup.R --help

out o   2   character   output files for real data (and log if verbose), (mpileup is in stdout)
copy    c   1   character   ploidy per sample, e.g. 2x3,4 is 2,2,2,4
sites   s   2   integer number of sites [default 1,000]
depth   d   2   double  mean haploid depth per sample [default 20.0]
lendepth    l   2   integer mean length of sites with increasing/decreasing depth [default 0, disabled]
errdepth    e   2   double  error rate in mean depth [default 0.05]
qual    q   2   integer mean base quality in phred score [default 20]
pvar    r   2   double  probability that site is variable in the population [1.0]
ksfs    k   2   double  coeff. for shape of SFS default [1.0]
panc    a   2   double  probability that ancestor state is correct [1.0]
ne  n   2   integer effective population size [default 10,000]
pool    p   0   logical enable pool data
help    h   0   logical print help message
verbose v   0   logical verbose creates log file
offset  f   0   integer offset value for genomic position
seed    u   2   integer random seed for simulations reproducibility [default 180218]

Example to simulate 2 triploid samples for 3 SNPs and average depth of 5X:

$ Rscript simulMpileup.R --copy 3x2 --sites 3 --depth 5
copy_3x2    1   A   15  ............... 543660320413024 17  .................   25234321684322154
copy_3x2    2   A   11  C...C.C.CC. 20441234234 19  C.C.CCCCCC.CC..CCCC 3262424423354344545
copy_3x2    3   A   13  ........G....   4622432455514   11  .......CC.. 42234625112

  • ploidyLRT.R

Returns the most likely vector of ploidy with its statistical support, and provides with the outcome of a test for multiploidy. It receives in input the output file of ngsPloidy.

Rscript ploidyLRT.R --help

in  i   2   character   input file is the output file from ngsPloidy
out o   2   character   output file
help    h   0   logical print help message


Rscript $NGSJULIA/ngsPloidy/ploidyLRT.R --in test.out --test.LRT.out

  • writePars.R

In case of limited sample size, we need a create a file containing genotype probabilities. We also need to provide the probability of the major allele being ancestral, as this information will be used in case of limited sample size. These probability files can be generated using the following R script (which requires getopt package):

Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R --help
ksfs    k   2   double  coeff. for shape of SFS default [1.0]
ne  n   2   integer effective population size [default 10,000]
snpcall s   0   logical flag id snps were called
panc    p   2   double  prob of ancestral being correct, if 0.5 is folded [default], if<0 compute
help    h   0   logical print help message

'-k' denotes the shape of the site frequency spectrum:
- k=1 : constant population size
- k>1 : population bottleneck
- k<1 : population growth
'-n' is the effective population size
'-s' if a flag and specifies that SNPs have beeen called; this is useful only if only one sample is analysed with called SNPs
'-p' specifies how to define the probability that the ancestral state is the major allele, e.g., if 0.5 this means you assume folded data, if -1 it will compute it using the site frequency spectrum
'-h' prints a help message.

Example to generate genotype probabilities with effective population size of 1000 and folded spectrum

Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R --ne 1000 --panc 0.5
0.5 0.5
0.8665236   0.1334764
0.7508632   0.2313209   0.01781594
0.6506407   0.3006675   0.0463138   0.002378007
0.5637955   0.3473806   0.08026401  0.008242398 0.0003174078
0.4885422   0.3762669   0.1159178   0.01785558  0.001375207 0.00004236644
0.4233333   0.391253    0.1506682   0.03094457  0.003574947 0.0002202691    0.000005654918
0.3668283   0.395535    0.1827806   0.04692484  0.007228144 0.0006680394    0.00003430084   0.0000007547979
0.3178654   0.3917033   0.2111783   0.06505838  0.01252672  0.001543658 0.00011889  0.000005232402  0.0000001007477

Further examples for specific scenarios are: * with known allelic polarisation:

Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R -k 1 -n 10000 -p 1
  • with uncertain assignment of ancestral alleles (probability of being correct of 0.90)
Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R -k 1 -n 10000 -p 0.90
  • with automatic calculation of probability of misassignment of ancestral allele
Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R -k 1 -n 10000 -p -1
  • with folded spectrum (unknown allelic polarisation)
Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R -k 1 -n 10000 -p 0.5
  • or with SNPs only
Rscript ngsPloidy/writePars.R -k 1 -n 10000 -p 1 -s